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【お詫び】東方Project「レミリア・スカーレット 軍服 Ver.」発売延期と発送遅延について (2025/03/05) / [Apology] Regarding the release postponement and shipping delay for Touhou Project's "Remilia Scarlet Military Uniform Ver." (03/05/2025 Update)
【お詫び】東方Project「レミリア・スカーレット 軍服 Ver.」発売延期と発送遅延について (2025/03/05) / [Apology] Regarding the release postponement and shipping delay for Touhou Project's "Remilia Scarlet Military Uniform Ver." (03/05/2025 Update)
【店員P 第3回】東方音深波 ~ Silent of Soul. / 草木張月

[Staff P Chapter 3] Dongfang Yin Shenbo ~ Silent of Soul. / Cao Mu Zhangyue

It's been a while. This is P, the shop assistant. The last time was in March.

The third recommended section is Harigetsu Kusagi's "Touhou Sound Shinha - Silent of Soul."

I had a chance to talk about myself, but I like the original Touhou Project song.

Do you like it too? Fine. Then I'm even more curious.
Here you go, this is an album containing songs in the style of Touhou originals.

This album is a CD that embodies the "non-existent Touhou original."
However, the game itself is not included. Only the story, characters, and music are included.
I'd say it's about 90% original. The game is just a bonus.


The story is as follows.

"I want to play with you again..."

A mysterious "deep sea space" suddenly appears in Gensokyo!
As a result, order in Gensokyo is falling into disarray...!
All of a sudden, sound has disappeared from Gensokyo!
Prism River's instruments, Mystia's singing voice, Tsukumogami's instruments, all kinds of "sounds" and "music" from Gensokyo have disappeared!
This must be a strange phenomenon caused by a monster!
Now, let's dive into the "deep sea space", find the boss, and take back the "sound"!


In Gensokyo, which has no sea, a deep sea space has been created by going beyond the sea.

That's nice. It's a derivative work. The real thrill of fan creation is doing things that the official version doesn't do.

Since the stage is set in a ``deep sea space,'' there are many ocean-like sound effects, such as the sound of underwater bubbles and waves.
Also, since "sound" is also a theme, the overall image is probably "The Little Mermaid." It's "Under the Sea". Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like mermaids will appear.

 ↓Here is the link to the crossfade

Pick up !!!

 ・01. Player entrance ~ Let's start with tuning / Kisaragi

Track 1 is the title track.
It starts with the sound of waves, and soon you hear the "usual phrase." Nice.

The bouncy rhythm and orchestra-like instruments make you feel the excitement of the great adventure that is about to begin, while the usual phrase that slows down the tempo and becomes strange at the end, and the closing river cymbal, gives you the feeling of being in the deep sea. You can also feel the eeriness of it.

It's nice that the loop ends quickly and then there's a period of silence, which adds to the sense of the deep sea.

 09. Signal Flags that Invite You to Fantasy / Shonen

This is track 9, the boss song of stage 4.
I think that the fourth stage in Touhou can be considered a second stage.
That's why it's the songs on side 4 that change drastically, like going from an aggressive feel to returning to the usual one. perhaps.
This song is no exception, and serves as the first step toward getting to the heart of the incident.

I've been talking about the fourth side so far, but that's not actually what I like about this song.
This song has a whistle before the chorus. This is it.
Are you weak to gimmicks like this? Hey \Beep! / When I heard the sound, I was already excited.


I only picked two songs this time, but I think you need to listen to them all to get a feel for the concept of this album.

In other words……

Everyone listen!!! 11!!!

That's it.


Track list is here↓
01. Enter the musicians ~ Let's start with tuning / Kisaragi
02. To the refreshing world beneath / Burnyuho (Uzuki Nei)
03. Very Berry Jelly Sweets / N4 (Mix: Kisaragi)
04. Cold of Kemocline / Hisui
05. Quiet Buccalcorn ~ Sweet Angel? / Aruto (Mix: Kisaragi)
06. Unmanned Pleasure Boat ~ Pay for Life / DO
07. Let the sound of a ball echo through the ocean / Kisaragi
08. The Creeping White Giant Shadow ~ 1819 / Fuun
09. Signal Flags that lead to fantasy / Shonen
10. The Dark Backstage Waterworks / Ooyama
11. Rachmaninoff in the Deep / Japanese
12. The doors will open soon ~ Ladies and Deepfish / Shiboshi
13. Hear and call, Concerto of Resurrection ~ Sound of Soul / Kisaragi and the Deep Sea Musicians
14. A late-night walk through a bright cave / Tono
15. Pleiotropic / Good Darkness
16. Lingering Slumber ~ Fuyofuyo / Fuun
17. Exit of the Performer ~ Finale / Kisaragi


[Click here to purchase "Touhou Onshinpa ~ Silent of Soul."]


That's all, storeIn the third recommended CD introduction by InPdid.

Stay tuned for the next update!

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