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【お詫び】東方Project「レミリア・スカーレット 軍服 Ver.」発売延期と発送遅延について (2025/03/05) / [Apology] Regarding the release postponement and shipping delay for Touhou Project's "Remilia Scarlet Military Uniform Ver." (03/05/2025 Update)
【お詫び】東方Project「レミリア・スカーレット 軍服 Ver.」発売延期と発送遅延について (2025/03/05) / [Apology] Regarding the release postponement and shipping delay for Touhou Project's "Remilia Scarlet Military Uniform Ver." (03/05/2025 Update)
【店員M 第12回】cirno out#4/flap+flog

【Staff M Chapter 12】cirno out#4/flap+flog

【Staff M Chapter 12 cirno out#4/ flap+flog

I've been sleeping a lot lately. Hello everyone, this is M, a store clerk.

The 12th Recommended Corner by Clerk M is flap+flog's "Cirno out#4".

flap+flog is a circle that creates two songs, mainly jazz and electronica.

This time, we would like to introduce “Cirno out#4”.

↓chirno out#4 demo 


An easy listening oriental arrangement that will put your mind and body in a neutral state.


 Easy listening, the soothing music────────

Easy listening is a music genre that is also referred to as ``mood music.'' Although the meaning is different from the so-called ``BGM'' that plays in public facilities and hotels, it is music that can be listened to without preparing yourself.

This album features gentle drum sounds, piano sounds, and some sound effects.

These tones provide healing through the ears.

 One of my personal favorite points is that the jacket design is very good.

The fonts used are listed on the back of the jacket.

I think that's the point of going out of your way to buy a CD rather than a subscription, and I find it very appealing to have a jacket that makes you feel that kind of commitment.

 -Track List-

01: beacon Original song: Unlocated Hell 

​02: second flash(with milk) Original song: Adventure of a Tomboy Love Girl

​03: colorful giraffe skirt Original song: Beast Metropolis

​04: maple (cirno out edit 2) Original song: The original landscape of Japan as seen by a girl

05: cat & chair Original song: Abandoned Prison Lullaby

​06: starlight(cirno out edit 2) Original song: Casket of Star ~ Casket of Star

07: tartness Original song: Collecting Wonders from All Over Japan 



Why not try listening to this album while you work or commute?

It's sure to create a relaxing and elegant atmosphere for a little while. 


【cirno out #4】

[Details about flap+frog]

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