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【お詫び】東方Project「レミリア・スカーレット 軍服 Ver.」発売延期と発送遅延について (2025/03/05) / [Apology] Regarding the release postponement and shipping delay for Touhou Project's "Remilia Scarlet Military Uniform Ver." (03/05/2025 Update)
【お詫び】東方Project「レミリア・スカーレット 軍服 Ver.」発売延期と発送遅延について (2025/03/05) / [Apology] Regarding the release postponement and shipping delay for Touhou Project's "Remilia Scarlet Military Uniform Ver." (03/05/2025 Update)
【店員W 第3回】リゾルヴ / 麹町音源

[Clerk W No. 3] Resolve / Kojimachi Sound Source

When I started writing this article, I was a store clerk W who was satisfied with my cat cravings because of Youyoumu 20th and TH19. Hello.

This time I'll be introducing another old CD. It's fun to reminisce.


The circle is Kojimachi Ongen.

This unit consists of paraoka (composer) and haru*nya (vocals).
They currently operate under the name "Kojimachi Sericulture Center." 

Do you know Paraoka?
If you follow rhythm games closely, you've probably heard of it.

That's right, it's the author of that "L9".

I see... It has a distinctive techno feel to it, and the styles seem similar, don't they?

If you've never heard of it, please search for it and give it a listen.

"L9" was released in 2001, while "Resolve" was released in 2009.
Time flies.


What is the appeal of this CD?

It was in the message.

The content is interconnected across all five tracks.

It starts from the present, rapidly develops and acquires over-technology, but eventually returns...
I felt the atmosphere of Osamu Tezuka's "Phoenix.

The title "Resolve" is "resolve".
Personally, I interpret this to have a stronger connotation of "disappearing."



I don't think you often see lyrics that convey the sense of impermanence so characteristic of Tezuka's works...
At least, I don't think you hear it in music.

Major music isn't this deep, and because it's doujin music that doesn't aim to be popular with the masses, it has an atmosphere and depth to it. That's why I love it.
(I have no intention of denigrating major music.)


After I wrote that, I looked at the product page.

"It's a concept piece with a certain sense of unity."

It seems that it is.
There was a strong sense of unity and the message was conveyed very well. (This is just my personal opinion.)


As an aside, when I bought this "Resolve," I also bought another CD by Kojimachi Ongen.

That is “Toilet Food Championship”.

...The content was unique to doujin and very interesting🙄

If you're interested, please listen to it with earphones or headphones.


1. Circuit
2. Boot
3. Sea of Gears
4. Overlook
5 (Outro track)


[Click here for the "Resolve" product page]

[Click here for other works by Kojimachi Ongen]

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Next article [YY Clerk No. 4] CIRNO THE MOVIE ~ The Last Icicle Fall / Akatsuki Records