New: End of the Abyss, One Light / Girl Fractal Release date: approx. 2023 Dec.
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No one can reach them.
The brightest place in the world
This winter one is a must-have, featuring a number of exciting arrangements, including the ikuo-bushi shining arrangement of the title track by yūshin-satellite guitarist ikuo!
01.The edge of the abyss, one light
Original song: 'Windhole of Darkness'.
Lyrics: Marcia Arranger: ikuo Songs: Rinnai Nihonaga, Sakuma Saki
02. mayday!
Original song: Forgetting, Yosaso no Midori.
Lyrics: Marcia Arrangement: Spurs Oyster Tarn Song: Sakuma Saki
03.Shape of happiness
Original song: the black market is not a place to be.
Lyrics: Marcia Arrangement: Mogi, Spurs Song: Rinna Niwa
04. treasures that will never return
Original song: Pure Hurries - Where the heart is.
Lyrics: Marcia Arrangement: The Magic King, Spurs Oyster Singing: Sakuma Saki
05. to touch your heart
Original song: Heartfelt Fancy
Lyrics: Marcia Arranged by SHiN Songs: Rinna Ninaha
06.The Garden of Fantasy
Original song: drinking Lemuria.
Words by Marcia Arranged by Non Enonaka Songs by Rina Niwa and Saki Sakuma
07. end of the abyss, one light (instrumental)
Original song: 'Windhole of Darkness'.
Arranger: ikuo
Original song: Forgetting, Yosaso no Midori.
Arranged by Bashiri Oyster Tan.
09.Shiawase no katachi (instrumental)
Original song: the black market is not a place to be.
Arranged by Maou, Bashiri Oyster Tan.
10. treasures that will never return (instrumental)
Original song: Pure Hurries.
Arranged by Maou, Bashiri Oyster Tan.
11. "I want to touch your heart" (instrumental)
Original song: Heartfelt Fancy
Arranged by SHiN
12. fantastic paradise (instrumental)
Original song: drinking Lemuria.
Arranged by Non Enonaka.