【新品】Ether Drive - crayvxn only album / Diverse System 発売日:2024年04月頃
[Issue date] 28 Apr 2024 Scheduled date.
Dispatch date] Shipped as soon as it is received.
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[Genre] Original.
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In such cases, we may not be able to fulfil your order.
◆If you can't play it, click here.
Track list
1 - arrival - crayvxn
2 - Vibronic Transition - crayvxn
3 - pyora - crayvxn& *-Teris
4 - hyperReality - nuphory&crayvxn
5 - Ether Drive - crayvxn
6 - Dephasing - crayvxn
7 - Perpetual Reflection - crayvxn
8 - Angel's Ladder - crayvxn
9 - Ghost Phonon - crayvxn
10 - Laniakea - crayvxn
11 - Vibronic Transition (Yuta Imai Remix) - crayvxn
12 - Perpetual Reflection (Radianth ether Remix) - crayvxn
Model number: DVSP-0299.
Remixer:Yuta Imai,Radianth
Mastering: Puru