New: I have to say it in a crazy world / Inolai Release date: approx. 2024.05
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Album featuring the song 'I have to say it in a world of madness' from LostWord of the East!
Rock and ballads... please pick up a copy...
1.'I have to say it in a crazy world' (song from Eastern LostWord)
Original song: 広有射怪鳥事 ~ Till When?
Song: Nachi
2.Guilty Desire
Original Song: Kamiyo paraffinum liquidum
Song: Nachi
3. photogrpahy
Original song: Hartmann's Spectre Girl.
Song: cheluce
4.sing for
Original song: Give the world to idols - Idoratrize World
Song: Mystery Person K.
Original song: Unobstructed light of deviants - Kingdam of Nothingness.
Song: cheluce
6. for the vulnerable you Remix
Original song: Night Sparrow Singing - Night Bird
Song: cheluce